"Thought breeds thought; children familiar with great thoughts take as naturally to thinking for themselves as the well-nourished body takes to growing; and we must bear in mind that growth, physical, intellectual, moral, spiritual, is the sole end of education." ~ Charlotte Mason

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

History Story Boards

Well, I have yet to figure out how to post pictures and I keep forgetting how to ask DH about it. :) The story boards are going amazingly well. The kids have taken the squares and divided them up into quarters so they can draw more pictures of the history chapter we're doing. They absolutely love it. It's turned out to be an excellent tool for engaging them/connecting them to the history they are learning. We're nearly at the end of the first book of American History and will just continue on with both front and back of the history board. I will have DH show me how to post pictures this week because I am excited to show their boards. I think when we are through with them, I will either take the pictures and have them developed to keep in their history folders or cut them up to put them in a binder in some mac tack or clear binder pages. Or maybe I'll do both! :)

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