"Thought breeds thought; children familiar with great thoughts take as naturally to thinking for themselves as the well-nourished body takes to growing; and we must bear in mind that growth, physical, intellectual, moral, spiritual, is the sole end of education." ~ Charlotte Mason

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

New Year Focus - the Word for the New Year is: HONOUR

I haven't posted for a while, we've been quite busy the last couple of months but I'll be posting more now with the New Year.

I thought I'd post something we've decided to do for the new year. We've chosen a word to focus on throughout this new year (a little like a New Year's resolution). The word for our family to focus on in the next few months is: HONOUR. In addition to our first fruits we'll be learning all we can about honour. We've designated an Honour wall in which we'll put everything we can about honour - verses, words that have to do with honour, sayings about honour, acts of honour - written, coloured, drawn - ANYTHING really, so long as it's about honour. :) I'm not a hurry, we have the next coming months to learn about it, practice it and encourage our family to honour each other.

I'll be taking resources from the National Center for Biblical Parenting http://www.biblicalparenting.org/ to help me find creative ways to teach this essential concept throughout the year. I also found this book we'll read through this coming year as well:

My hope is to be able to blog about our experience as well. Just thought I'd share what our focus for the new year is! :)

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